
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Pin My Head To The Wall

from the series "how it feels to me"

There has been plenty of references to a stake or pole being driven down through the head to the ground in reference to the axis point in the body. The vertical center line that all the motion rotates around. I recently had an experience while practicing where the feeling I had was more related to a wire being driven directly toward the front of my head so that it would be driven into a wall behind me. Not immediately behind me, but more like 10 feet or so. This distance would give the sense of slack in the wire, but taut enough for stability. The feeling gave me the sense of keeping my head still, but allowing it to move slightly throughout the swing. More specifically, during the moment of impact, as the hands and arms are reaching their maximum speed, my head actually moves backwards, allowing the whip of the club to pass by. There is a slowing down nature to the big muscles, of which my head is connected, as they reach impact. Much like a whip pulls back to make the snap.

"My head felt like there was a pin directly through my forehead into a wall behind me as my arms and body ripped through impact."

excerpt from I Want To Hit It Like I Am 10 Years Old

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