
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What... I have to choose?

I am often asked about my swing methodology. The question is posed as a selection between the "Traditional" method versus the opposing "Stack and Tilt" method. Recently, the "Foley" method is among the choices. Thank you Tiger. I am always taken back by the specifics of the question. As if there are two or three ways to swing a golf club and that I must fall into one of these categories. No one ever asked if I taught the Harmon method, or Leadbetter method. How did we get to Traditional, Stack and Tilt, or Foley? Maybe I didn't care as much when Harmon and Leadbetter were mainstream. Oh yeah, they are one of the top five instructors on pretty much any list. Are they the "Traditionalists"? If they are, they are not talking much. And what about Ben Hogan and Sam Snead? I am sure if I simply stuck to Hogan's Five Lessons and advocated hitting balls with bare feet I would have covered just as much ground.

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